Structuring training around personality and physical capabilities

As I prepare for my ride I’m busy reading of trips others have achieved, planning routes, discussing ideas with the potential companion, looking at fundraising as well as costing the trip, selling a house and planning to be away from home for a while. More on the above to be revealed… well, a girl has to tease!

Among the preparation there is of course also the inevitable training. Given I enjoy my bike and gym sessions this should of course not be too bad though I was pleased to read the following in The Complete Book of Long Distance Cycling this week … “ Perhaps the worst thing any cyclist can do is try and duplicate the training of superior riders. This is a shortcut to disaster, not success. Training must be structured around your personality and physical capabilities.”

On Sunday I had fully intended on joining the monthly Spokes ride, leaving at the usual departure time of 10am outside Usher Hall in Edinburgh. However, those of you that know me well will realise this falls at exactly the same time as The Archers omnibus.

So, in accordance with taking the advice noted above, I have remained true to my personality and physical capabilities. I do really enjoy going out with friends (watching the rugby in the pub on Saturday) and taking in a good bit of radio 4 on a Sunday morning. I was physically incapable of getting out of bed at 830!!

While I’m not quite sure that’s exactly what the book meant I did eventually get out on Sunday afternoon and 43ish miles, a flask of tea and 3 hours later I came home feeling satisfied. It had been a glorious afternoon and despite numb toes I was pleased to feel the positive benefit of the daily spin classes.  I hope, as I get a chance next week while away to put some real miles in, that I can start to capitalise more on the intense spin sessions when putting the miles in for endurance.

As for The Archers I fell asleep, as per normal, just at the end, and woke to hear Denise Lewis providing inspiration on Desert Island Discs. While I’m not sure Whitney Houston is the record that spurs me on for the ride it was great to hear of her focus and drive. For my favourite track to sing on the bike I’ll stick to Bachelor Boy!


2 Responses

  1. You are a god damm legend Nao!! So excited to hear about this adventure if you cruise through south west Western Australia you know you have a hot shower, warm bed and cold beer ready for you!! Ruthie xxx

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