Last time published a blog it was December 7th. My moma had just taken a turn for the worst and I had just arrived backing the Midlands, coming back earlier than anticipated for Christmas. On December 8th, following a visit from two lovely McMillan nurses she was admitted as an emergency into hospital. It was a big shock to us both and as a few weeks passed I was upset to think she was going to be in hospital over Christmas.
As it turned out I was chuffed to bits. Her kidneys failed on the 15th December and doctors were unsure she would pull through. After a sleepless night and many tears she made it. I noted this would be a difficult journey and following this night my perspective changed. Every day was a bonus; a moment to cherish. I was so happy to celebrate her 73rd birthday and Christmas – even it it was around a hospital bed.
Mom was finally discharged on the 7th January and by now John, my cycle buddy, had arrived to give me a hand.
As we travelled we were constantly on the move, rarely staying at the same place for more than a night. We were shown incredible kindness by strangers and we always encouraged others to live their dreams. Right now we couldn’t be in a more different situation. Mom is home but bed bound so getting out is tough. Thankfully it’s now the kindness of family and friends helping us through and a real positive for me to come from this experience is this affirmation of their importance. Their calls, visits and love mean the world. Everyone has been amazing and as my cycle buddy John continues to be here at my moms providing both company and practical support I don’t know what I’d do without him.
I look forward to a time when I can ride again but right now I wouldn’t be anywhere else and if there is ever a strong reminder this is it :
Have no regrets and don’t put off living your dreams.
4 Responses
All the best to you Naomi. Keep well. Sandy x.
You are so brave and such an inspiration. love you lots. xx
Sending love and best wishes! Was great to hear from you again. Take care x
Sending positive thoughts and big hugs your way.
You have reminded me to keep my priorities straight.