Last Monday I hosted a first event about my trip so far. Held in Edinburgh it was attended by around 70 people and raised £650 for The Homeless World Cup. Despite having given numerous presentations I was very nervous talking about such a personal experience. There was no work orientated power-point behind which to hide. It also provided me with my first real chance to look back on both the cycle and personal journey.
Prior to starting this adventure I worked as a CEO for Scottish based charity, Firstport. It was a busy role and while having completed my MBA and worked hard to develop my career I knew I was ready for change. Only now can I really see the difference. Further, while reasonably self-aware I also believe the trip has confirmed how I tick, increased my confidence in believing we can reach our goals if we really want to and given me the space to determine what I may to next.
As the bike tour itself illustrated I will always be somewhat goal-orientated and I’m certainly not one to just let life pass by. While I still care about the work I was involved in (loosely summarised as new start enterprise and community development) I also feel I now have a much broader outlook. If anything…the to do list has increased and it is jut a case of priorities.
I’ve always been excited by new projects and ideas. I love early stage development and planning and have learnt that whether in the workplace or on my bike this is an environment in which I thrive. I also know I perhaps have too many new ideas and things I want to do. I know I could perhaps focus more though I also know my lust for life comes from being this way and I’m happy with that.
In helping new start entrepreneurs I was always inspired by helping others seize their opportunities. Being able to cycle the globe was of course a massive opportunity for me and now I hope I can inspire others to take control and live out their dreams too.
I’ve one last trip yet before I settle back into “normal life” though there is one thing for sure – there will be nothing just normal anymore. Watch this space.